from ctypes import c_int, c_double, c_bool
from .baseconfig import F2003Class, fortran_class, optional_fortran_class
class RecombinationModel(F2003Class):
Abstract base class for recombination models
_fields_ = [
("min_a_evolve_Tm", c_double, "minimum scale factor at which to solve matter temperature "
"perturbation if evolving sound speed or ionization fraction perturbations")
class Recfast(RecombinationModel):
RECFAST recombination model (see recfast source for details).
_fields_ = [
("RECFAST_fudge", c_double),
("RECFAST_fudge_He", c_double),
("RECFAST_Heswitch", c_int),
("RECFAST_Hswitch", c_bool),
("AGauss1", c_double),
("AGauss2", c_double),
("zGauss1", c_double),
("zGauss2", c_double),
("wGauss1", c_double),
("wGauss2", c_double)
_fortran_class_module_ = 'Recombination'
_fortran_class_name_ = 'TRecfast'
class CosmoRec(RecombinationModel):
`CosmoRec <>`_ recombination model.
To use this, the library must be built with CosmoRec installed and RECOMBINATION_FILES including cosmorec
in the Makefile.
CosmoRec must be built with -fPIC added to the compiler flags.
_fortran_class_module_ = 'CosmoRec'
_fortran_class_name_ = 'TCosmoRec'
_fields_ = [
("runmode", c_int,
"Default 0, with diffusion; 1: without diffusion; 2: RECFAST++, 3: RECFAST++ run with correction"),
("fdm", c_double, "Dark matter annihilation efficiency"),
("accuracy", c_double, "0-normal, 3-most accurate")
class HyRec(RecombinationModel):
`HyRec <>`_ recombination model.
To use this, the library must be built with HyRec installed and RECOMBINATION_FILES including hyrec in the Makefile.
_fortran_class_module_ = 'HyRec'
_fortran_class_name_ = 'THyRec'