Modifying the code
Although CAMB supports some non-standard models by default (e.g. some early dark energy models), when you have a new model you’ll generally need to modify the code. Simple cases that do not need code modification are:
Dark energy fluid models with a given equation of state but constant sound speed (see Dark Energy models)
Different primordial power spectra (see Initial power spectra)
Different BBN mappings for the Helium abundance (which is pure Python, see BBN models)
In these cases, you can just pass in an interpolation table from Python to encapsulate the modified physics.
Defining new classes
For other changes to the dark energy, initial power, reionization, recombination, or non-linear correction, you can usually define new classes that inherit from the standard base classes. The classes are defined in both Python and Fortran, so you will need to modify both. Ensure variables are defined in the same order so that the Python interface works consistently. The easiest way to do this is probably to look at the source code for, e.g., AxionEffectiveFluid in both Fortran and Python and follow the same pattern.
In Python, CAMB uses the @fortran_class decorator to implement the Fortran wrapping. This implements a general but custom mapping between F2008 Fortran classes (types) and Python classes. For example, the AxionEffectiveFluid Python class looks like this:
class AxionEffectiveFluid(DarkEnergyModel):
_fields_ = [
("w_n", c_double, "effective equation of state parameter"),
("fde_zc", c_double, "energy density fraction at z=zc"),
("zc", c_double, "decay transition redshift (not the same as peak of energy density fraction)"),
("theta_i", c_double, "initial condition field value")
_fortran_class_name_ = 'TAxionEffectiveFluid'
_fortran_class_module_ = 'DarkEnergyFluid'
The _fields_ and _fortran_class_name_ class variables are special (metaclass) metadata for the Fortran mapping, so that it knows which class to map to and what the corresponding variable names are. It is not necessary to include all Fortran variables in the _fields_ array, but they must be in the right order, and only missing items at the end.
In Fortran, the corresponding class is defined as:
type, extends(TDarkEnergyModel) :: TAxionEffectiveFluid
real(dl) :: w_n = 1._dl ! Effective equation of state when oscillating
real(dl) :: fde_zc = 0._dl ! Energy density fraction at a_c (not the same as peak dark energy fraction)
real(dl) :: zc ! Transition redshift (scale factor a_c)
real(dl) :: theta_i = const_pi/2 ! Initial value
! om is Omega of the early DE component today (assumed to be negligible compared to omega_lambda)
! omL is the lambda component of the total dark energy omega
real(dl), private :: a_c, pow, om, omL, acpow, freq, n ! Cached internally
procedure :: ReadParams => TAxionEffectiveFluid_ReadParams
procedure, nopass :: PythonClass => TAxionEffectiveFluid_PythonClass
procedure, nopass :: SelfPointer => TAxionEffectiveFluid_SelfPointer
procedure :: Init => TAxionEffectiveFluid_Init
procedure :: w_de => TAxionEffectiveFluid_w_de
procedure :: grho_de => TAxionEffectiveFluid_grho_de
procedure :: PerturbedStressEnergy => TAxionEffectiveFluid_PerturbedStressEnergy
procedure :: PerturbationEvolve => TAxionEffectiveFluid_PerturbationEvolve
end type TAxionEffectiveFluid
Here, the a_c, pow, etc., variables are not mapped to Python because they are only used in the Fortran code. The rest of the Fortran code defines the relevant methods (TAxionEffectiveFluid_grho_de, etc.) to implement the modified physics.
All Fortran classes that map to Python must have a SelfPointer function as defined above. This always takes exactly the same form:
subroutine TMyClass_SelfPointer(cptr, P)
use iso_c_binding
Type(c_ptr) :: cptr
Type (TMyClass), pointer :: PType
class (TPythonInterfacedClass), pointer :: P
call c_f_pointer(cptr, PType)
P => PType
end subroutine TMyClass_SelfPointer
and hence can be trivially modified for any new classes. The function is essential so that the Python wrapper can map Python and strongly typed Fortran classes consistently (not something that is supported by standard iso_c_binding). The ReadParams function is only needed if you want to also be able to load parameters from .ini files, rather than just using them via Python. The PythonClass method is not strictly needed.
Other code changes
For quintessence models with a different potential, you will need to modify the Fortran to define the new potential function.
See Quintessence
and the DarkEnergyQuintessence.f90 Fortran source. This may be a simple change,
though you may also need more complicated changes to consistently map input parameters into initial conditions for the evolution.
More generally, you will need to modify the equations at both the background and the perturbation level, usually in equations.f90. The CAMB notes provide some guidance on conventions and variable definitions.
Code updates, testing, and gotchas
Make sure you recompile the Fortran after making any changes (see Fortran compilers). Changing the version number in both Python and Fortran will give you an automatic run-time check that the Python being run matches the intended Fortran source.
The default accuracy parameters are designed for Simons Observatory-like precision for standard models. Check your results are stable to
increasing accuracy parameters AccuracyBoost and lAccuracyBoost (in AccuracyParams
). If not, changing specific accuracy parameters as needed may be much more efficient that using the high-level parameter
AccuracyBoost (which increases the accuracy of many things at once).
There are a number of possible gotchas when using Python-wrapped Fortran types. Firstly, types derived directly from CAMB_Structure are intended to map directly
to Fortran types (via the standard ctypes interface), for example, AccuracyParams is inherited directly from CAMB_Structure. These should generally not be
instantiated directly in Python as they are only intended to be used as sub-components of larger types. For example, a new Python instance of AccuracyParams
give a zero Fortran array, which does not correspond to the default values for the accuracy parameters.
Fortran-mapped classes in Python inherit from F2003Class. These also map data in a Fortran class type (the _fields_ defined above).
If they are an allocatable subcomponent of another F2003Class, they may be created dynamically to match the underlying structure.
This can give unexpected results if you try to add variables to only the Python class. For example, if pars is a CAMBparams
instance and test is not defined
then doing this:
pars.DarkEnergy.test = 'x'
will not give you ‘x’; it will give you an undefined variable error. This is because the Python code doesn’t ‘know’ that the Fortran code is not modifying the
DarkEnergy structure, so pars.DarkEnergy is generating a new instance mapped to the underlying Fortran data whenever you access it.
You can avoid this by always defining fields in both Fortran and Python, or only using Python variables in container-level classes like CAMBparams
When using dark energy models, make sure you are not setting thetastar in Python before setting the dark energy parameters: it needs to know the dark energy model to map thetastar into H0 consistently.
When accessing array-like members of a structure, e.g., CAMBparams.z_outputs, you may need to explicitly cast to a list to see the elements.
Interfacing with Cobaya
The Cobaya sampler can do parameter inference for your custom models. It uses introspection to determine which
variables the linked CAMB version supports, so if you add new variables e.g., to CAMBparams
or as arguments to set_cosmology()
or the set_params
method of the dark energy, reionization, etc. classes, you should automatically be able to use them in Cobaya. For other new variables, you may need to modify get_valid_numerical_params()
For supporting new primordial power spectra or multiple bins there are test examples. This also shows how to use get_class_options to dynamically define multiple parameters based on an input parameter.
You can only directly sample scalar parameters, but it is also easy to map vector parameters. Cobaya will automatically identify numerical arguments to the set_params function of custom classes (e.g. dark energy), but for vector parameters to be picked up for sampling you need define them with a default value of None.
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