Source code for camb.reionization

from .baseconfig import F2003Class, fortran_class, f_pointer
from ctypes import c_bool, c_double, POINTER, byref, c_void_p

[docs] class ReionizationModel(F2003Class): """ Abstract base class for reionization models. """ _fields_ = [ ("Reionization", c_bool, "Is there reionization? (can be off for matter power, which is independent of it)")]
[docs] class BaseTauWithHeReionization(ReionizationModel): """ Abstract class for models that map z_re to tau, and include second reionization of Helium """ _fields_ = [ ("use_optical_depth", c_bool, "Whether to use the optical depth or redshift parameters"), ("redshift", c_double, "Reionization redshift (xe=0.5) if use_optical_depth=False"), ("optical_depth", c_double, "Optical depth if use_optical_depth=True"), ("fraction", c_double, "Reionization fraction when complete, or -1 for full ionization of hydrogen and first ionization of helium."), ("include_helium_fullreion", c_bool, "Whether to include second reionization of helium"), ("helium_redshift", c_double, "Redshift for second reionization of helium"), ("helium_delta_redshift", c_double, "Width in redshift for second reionization of helium"), ("helium_redshiftstart", c_double, "Include second helium reionization below this redshift"), ("tau_solve_accuracy_boost", c_double, "Accuracy boosting parameter for solving for z_re from tau"), ("timestep_boost", c_double, "Accuracy boosting parameter for the minimum number of time sampling steps through reionization"), ("max_redshift", c_double, "Maximum redshift allowed when mapping tau into reionization redshift"), ("__min_redshift", c_double, "Minimum redshift allowed when mapping tau into reionization redshift"), ("__fHe", c_double, "Helium fraction"), ("__state", f_pointer) ] _fortran_class_module_ = 'Reionization' _fortran_class_name_ = 'TBaseTauWithHeReionization' _methods_ = [('GetZreFromTau', [c_void_p, POINTER(c_double)], c_double, {"nopass": True})]
[docs] def get_zre(self, params, tau=None): """ Get the midpoint redshift of reionization. :param params: :class:`.model.CAMBparams` instance with cosmological parameters :param tau: if set, calculate the redshift for optical depth tau, otherwise uses currently set parameters :return: reionization mid-point redshift """ if self.use_optical_depth or tau: from .camb import CAMBparams assert isinstance(params, CAMBparams) return self.f_GetZreFromTau(byref(params), c_double(tau or self.optical_depth)) else: return self.redshift
[docs] def set_zrei(self, zrei): """ Set the mid-point reionization redshift :param zrei: mid-point redshift :return: self """ self.use_optical_depth = False self.redshift = zrei return self
[docs] def set_tau(self, tau): """ Set the optical depth :param tau: optical depth :return: self """ self.use_optical_depth = True self.optical_depth = tau return self
[docs] @fortran_class class TanhReionization(BaseTauWithHeReionization): """ This default (unphysical) tanh x_e parameterization is described in Appendix B of `arXiv:0804.3865 <>`_ """ _fields_ = [ ("delta_redshift", c_double, "Duration of reionization")] _fortran_class_name_ = 'TTanhReionization'
[docs] def set_extra_params(self, deltazrei=None): """ Set extra parameters (not tau, or zrei) :param deltazrei: delta z for reionization """ if deltazrei is not None: self.delta_redshift = deltazrei
[docs] @fortran_class class ExpReionization(BaseTauWithHeReionization): """ An ionization fraction that decreases exponentially at high z, saturating to fully ionized at fixed redshift. This model has a minimum non-zero tau around 0.04 for reion_redshift_complete=6.1. Similar to e.g. arXiv:1509.02785, arXiv:2006.16828, but not attempting to fit shape near x_e~1 at z<6.1 """ _fields_ = [ ("reion_redshift_complete", c_double, "end of reionization"), ("reion_exp_smooth_width", c_double, "redshift scale to smooth exponential"), ("reion_exp_power", c_double, "power in exponential, exp(-lambda(z-redshift_complete)^exp_power)")] _fortran_class_name_ = 'TExpReionization'
[docs] def set_extra_params(self, reion_redshift_complete=None, reion_exp_power=None, reion_exp_smooth_width=None): """ Set extra parameters (not tau, or zrei) :param reion_redshift_complete: redshift at which reionization complete (e.g. around 6) :param reion_exp_power: power in exponential decay with redshift :param reion_exp_smooth_width: smoothing parameter to keep derivative smooth """ if reion_redshift_complete is not None: self.reion_redshift_complete = reion_redshift_complete if reion_exp_power is not None: self.reion_exp_power = reion_exp_power if reion_exp_smooth_width is not None: self.reion_exp_smooth_width = reion_exp_smooth_width